Hello. My name is Alex. I'm a middle schooler that has decided to create a website. Well, not really. My parents asked me if I wanted to do this camp and I said yes because it sounded cool. Seriously, the title was Intro to Web programing. That is why I'm sitting here at UW in front of a computer, coding this website. Suprisingly, coding this website is not really that hard due to my lack of computer knowlegde. It is quite fun getiting to see this website to come to life with this code.
Some fun things to know about me is that I love history and I also love reading. A really good book series that kicked off my historical intrest was the Story of the World series by Susan Bauer. One last thing, this school year I plan on creating a gaming desktop. The Parts list will be at the bottom.
I also love Star Wars. I find that Star Wars is a great combination of Sci-Fi and some really great humor. It also has a really great plot. I mean, who doesn't like little teddy bears killing some white clad brickhead? I also like watching Darth Vader wreck every one with the Force Choke. As you can see Star Wars is quite a movie. My favorite movie so far (As of to 2017) is Rogue One. Yes, I know it is a side story, but the characters are great and it also gives more depth to the Star Wars Cannon. Also the edition of the new troops, such as the Death Trooper and Shore trooper, is really nice. For more information about Star Wars, check out the Star Wars Wiki(link is below). Also there is a funny video below. Enjoy!
All Star Wars Star Wars ParodyI also like playing Exploding Kittens. According to Vincent (kolisloading.wordpress.com, vincentchen566@gmail.com), it is a over-complicated version of Russian Roulette. Well, without the gun. Instead, the gun is replaced with up to four cute, yet destructive exploding kitten cards. There are some other cards that will prevent you from getting killed (in the game), and therefore eliminated. Some of those cards include consulting the all-seeing goat wizard, and the special ops bunnies. There are some other really funny cards too. There are 3 different versions there is the original, Imploding Kittens and the NSFW version. The NSFW version is 18+ due to it's explict content and other reasons... Anyway there is the Imploding Kittens add on. It was the most-backed and most-funded game kickstarter in history.
Exploding Kitten WebsiteSomething else that is really fun is Kingdom Of Loathing, also known as KoL for short. It is a online game which has around 500 players on at a time. While it is not that famous or popular a game, it has a small legion of loyal fans, donating money to keep it alive; amazingly, it runs completely on said donations! It's origin is quite interesting. One person created it in a week-one week!-as a casual game. Since then, the staff has grown to around twenty employees, maintaining the game daily, and it has gone through many revamps since. It is still being edited and revamped as you read.
Kingdom of LoathingI also really enjoy doing origami. As a matter of fact that is what I did for my schools market day. Well, I sort of like origami, I do it when I'm bored. Althought I'm aabsolutely terrible I enjoy it. My favorite thing to make is a ninja star. The instructions on making a ninja star are below. Enjoy!
The InstructionsYou can contact me at axscheng@gmail.com Thank you for reading.